When you decide to start an import company, the time comes when you have to look at ways to locate suppliers in China . I tell you that you basically have 4 ways to do it. 3 of these ways use an extern
China is one of the best places to find electric toothbrush suppliers. But how do you reach the companies that run and deliver large quantities of items to your project? How to make the first contacts
Many importers are in such a rush to find out whether they are dealing with reliable Chinese suppliers or reliable China manufactures when looking for suppliers from China. Because almost all Chinese s
However, fraud is no stranger to establishing business contact with a China supplier. Unfortunately, the Chinese Government authorities do not have a registered database of formal companies and a repor
Negotiating with your Chinese supplier is one of the most important parts in the process of importing products from China
the advantages of sonic tooth brushes have been increasingly discussed. One of the most common questions is which toothbrush is better: electric or sonic?
An even more thorough result can be achieved with the help of an oral irrigator, which can be considered a useful addition to the toothbrush.
I am a huge advocate for product customization . If you are planning to create your import company from China or have already manufactured in the Asian giant, you will know that having your own brand i
Before starting production and paying the respective money (normally 30% of the total import) a very important question comes to us: How will we know that the supplier is ready to start manufacturing o
Despite this situation, what if I now tell you that 2021 is the best year to start importing from China ? How can that be possible?